My name is Hans Brombacher 
I am an Academic and Design Researcher, specializing in the intersection of Human-Data Interaction (HDI) and data physicalization. My research focuses on developing designs and methods to translate complex data into easily understandable and actionable insights, particularly in workplace settings.
My Ph.D. research, titled “Enhancing Office Well-being through Human-Data Interaction”, explored how advanced sensing technologies can be leveraged to gain deeper insights into workplace environments. While these technologies offer valuable data on building performance and work activities, they often treat individuals as passive data subjects, with limited transparency in the data collection and interpretation process. My work aims to bridge this gap by using HDI and data physicalization to create more intuitive, user-centered systems that actively involve individuals in understanding and applying the data that affects their work lives.
2020 - 2025
2017 - 2020
2014 - 2017
Ph.D. Industrial Design
Master's degree in Industrial Design (Cum-Laude)
Bachelor's degree in Industrial Design
Teaching experience 
2019 - 2024
2020 - 2023 
2018 - 2020
Coach/Expert Vitality Squad 
Co-teacher Designing for People, Sports, and Vitality
Teaching Assistant 
International experience 
Vitality summer school - Tsukuba University 
Exchange semester - National University of Singapore
Course Business Innovation  - Zhejiang University​​​​​​​
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